A downloadable game for Windows


The game follows Detective Red while he explores a creepy house where a murder has happened. Detective Red roams around the house while finding clues and information within a time limit and then he's given 3 suspects, each shrouded with mystery and malevolence, to which he has to narrow down to one. If Detective Red should choose correctly, the true killer will meet a grim fate, if Detective Red falters, a far more terrifying end awaits him.



WASD to move the character around the scene

Space bar to interact with objects and clues

Hold Space for 2s to show action menu.



  • The game is still in development with minor bugs and errors we're working to resolve.
  • In order to work properly, the display needs to be set to 16:9 ratio. For example, you could set your resolution to be 1920x1080 or 2560x1440. 
  • For some clues in the game, the player can only attempt to solve it once only. Try not to screw it up!




Sasha Kouzmina: Artist, Game Documentation https://chrollaonline.itch.io/

Tris Nguyen: Programmer, Game Designer https://trises.itch.io/

Khashayar Sahebkar: Programmer, Project Manager https://khashayarjan.itch.io/

Updated 10 days ago
Published 19 days ago
Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
AuthorsTris Nguyen, Khashayar Sahebkar, Chrolla
Tagsatari, Detective, Pixel Art, Top-Down
Average sessionA few minutes


Detective Red.zip 36 MB


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(1 edit)

before this game all I saw was dreary blue, like the life had been sucked out of me. Now that I have played detective red, its like the color has returned to my life.

Detective Red is simply a premonition bestowed upon me by god himself as I am his disciple, yes this is all true

Amazing game, it brought me out of my crippling depression if I could rate it 6 stars out of 5 I would

Happy to hear our game instilled such emotion in you Ms. Whoop!!!! (P.S I love you)


very cool! good UX, sprite movement is smooth, dialogue is unique to each character's personality, fun mini puzzles that are relevant to the story, simple but cohesive asset aesthetics, and progression of the game, while quick, is intuitive. clues are spreadout throughout the area in a way that is natural to player movement; you are never lost wondering what to do next, but instead curious about what else you may come across.i could definitely see this being expanded upon into a full published game.

Thank you so much Tienna for all the kind words, we will see if we expand our project further :)


WOW! Very cool game. I'd pay at least $50 to play this. I see a bright future ahead for these epic game creators. Keep up the good work.

Thank you Max! Glad to see players enjoying the experience of Detective Red


A fun and simple game! 5 stars

Thanks for your feedback Twiggy! Much love!


Great characters Fantastic story Fun games Fluid and responsive movement Excellent graphics Keeps you on your toes to the last second when killer is revealed! 10/10 !


Very true!


This game is better than Heavy Rain!

(1 edit) (+1)

Heavy Rain? More like Heavy Garbage compared to Detective Red